Gammax Services
Gammax Independent Inspection Services Ltd is the leading Non Destructive
Testing Specialist

Radiography utilises penetrating radiation generated electrically by x-ray equipment or by the nuclear decay process seen in radioactive isotopes such as Iridium 192.

Weld Procedures
We can advise you on selection of pipe/plate diameters and thicknesses in order for you to obtain the maximum qualification range.

Liquid Penetrant Inspection
Although accepted as being the less sensitive method when compared to magnet particle testing for ferritic objects liquid penetrant inspection

Alloy Verification - PMI
In the process of Alloy Verification the Niton XLt 898 is the ideal tool for performing Alloy Verification/PMI.

Ultrasonic Testing
Ultrasonic testing involves the sound travelling as a wave form through any given material with a constant velocity..

Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI)
Magnetic Particle Inspection is used on Ferromagnetic materials in order to detect surface breaking flaws and occasionally sub-surface flaws.